All tagged its about mindset not positive thinking

It's About Mindset, Not Positive Thinking

So I wrote a few weeks ago about joining a Success Team. One of the things that Barbara Sher, founder of the Success Team model, would say when leading her groups was: "You aren't going to "positive attitude" your way through anything." O-Particularly a big goal or project, because they span too much time to expect that you will feel the same way for that long, positive or not. It is just not how human behavior works.

How liberating this is to hear! That I don't have to "be positive" as a precondition to achieving my goals, no matter what they are. Like right now, I am not particularly having the best day. I woke up with my eye being unhappy with me, the house is a mess, and I don't particularly feel like writing right now. But I committed myself to finish this blog post today. I think all too often, people get hung up on the idea that they have to have a certain mood, especially a good mood, to do the damn thing. When really, you just simply have to do the damn thing!

This is just one example of reframing-- confronting a problem or a challenge from a different perspective. There can be a.lot of power in strategically reframing how you think about something. Sometimes we humans are our own worst enemy. We over-analyze, second-guess, struggle with imposter syndrome, and self-esteem issues. These are just a few roadblocks that we put on our paths of progress.