All tagged pet surgery stories

My Golden Retriever Alton Had to Have Surgery

I have written a lot about our Golden Retriever Fur Son, Alton, on this blog. And good Lord willing, I will be able to write a lot more in the years to come. But for today’s post, I wanted to share about a recent surgery Alton had to have. Thankfully, it was a minor procedure. But any time a pet has to go under anesthesia, there are risks. Additionally, Alton is eight years old now. As they say, for a large breed dog, he’s getting up there.

Last spring, we noticed that he was developing some lumps and bumps on his body. The largest of which was near his right shoulder. When we took him to the vet for his regular check-up, she said she would needle poke it, but she assured us she thought it was just a benign fatty tumor, another name for a lipoma. There was no need to talk of removal at the time because it wasn’t that large.