All in The Holidays

The Story Of Things: Mom's Christmas Bell Gift

When I was a kid, I got a reputation in my family for not being able to keep a secret. Maybe the story I am about to tell had something to do with it.

It was Christmastime in 1981, and I was six years old and in the first grade. Every year the week before Christmas vacation, my elementary school's PTA would have a fundraiser called the “Santa Shop.” In our school’s gymnasium they would set up several long tables full of very affordable different knick-knacks and do-dads, kind of like a non-grocery item version of the Dollar Store, but before Dollar Stores existed. The idea was to allow us kids an opportunity to do some Christmas shopping of our own for our family and friends. But at a price-point that a kid’s allowance could afford.

Top 5 Must-Watch Holiday Movies

My holiday season isn’t complete without sitting down and watching a set of movies which I think are the best Christmas movies of all time. Each one offers a little something different. These movies are, for me, true classics— movies that I have no problem watching year after year. There are lines from each film that I’ve memorized by heart. I’ll lead each movie’s introduction with one such line. :)

“Slipper socks! Medium!” The Ref

I’m starting my list with The Ref because this is the first movie we watch every holiday season. Because so few people I know have actually seen it, yet it is so good, I think it must have a cult following. In fact, it did not earn much in Box Office sales and yet, it was critically acclaimed, so there you go. The Ref was released in 1994— directed by Ted Demme, and stars Denis Leary, Judy Davis, and Kevin Spacey (before he made, ummm, headlines.)

It’s somewhat of a challenge to describe The Ref. It’s a very sarcastic and quick-witted storyline filled with some dark-ish comedy. As the back of the movie jacket states, “Leary plays an unfortunate cat burglar who becomes trapped in a fate worse than jail when he takes a bickering couple hostage.”

My Dislikes About the Holidays: What Tops My Holiday "Naughty" List

In last week's blog post, I wrote about five things I love about the holidays. With the things that I love out of the way, I want to share what brings out my Christmas Grinch.

The first three all have a connected theme of stress, chaos, and overwhelm.

Beginning with what tops my "naughty" list is actually the holiday "to do" list itself.

Holidays aside, I already have a pretty packed schedule, but when November 1st comes around, many more tasks need to be prioritized to get done by December 25th. Now I know what you might be thinking: that many of these "tasks" are actually "choices," and I don't have to do them. And I suppose you are right. But I love Christmas, and it only comes around once a year. Down deep, I actually do enjoy the preparation for the holidays, and if I genuinely hated it, I would not do it.

My Holiday Favorites: What Tops My Holiday Nice List

I know it can sound cliche to say that Christmas is a person's favorite time of the year. But for me, it is absolutely the truth. I have felt this way from my earliest childhood memories. I've experienced Christmas with varying degrees of holiday cheer. But whether it was full-fledged Griswold-style gatherings to solitary celebrations when I lived on my own, I've always found a way to make December memorable.

Now that I have a few decades of Christmas's under my jolly ol' belt, I thought it would be fun to sit down and reflect on a handful of things that I love about the holidays, but also a handful I could do without. Adulthood, after all, has a way of dulling the magic luster of Reindeer dust, leaving life feeling like you are dodging piles of Reindeer poo. But more about the Naughty poo list later. First, let's unwrap what tops the Nice List.

3 Ways to Wrap Christmas Presents

While some people find it an exhaustive chore to wrap Christmas presents, I've always enjoyed everything about the process. I think in part, I love all the fun and festive designs of the paper, but I also love the joy of seeing people open presents!

I know not everyone has the knack for wrapping gifts in the bag ;) Additionally, in the fast pace of the holiday season, sitting down to wrap a mound of gifts can take a lot of time. I, too, have been guilty of wrapping presents late at night, just to be opened the next morning.

My Top 5 Favorite Christmas Albums

As I've started to decorate the house this year for Christmas, I began to think about all the different traditions that I love about this time of year. Some Christmas's in my life has been very different compared to others. It has just depended on what season of life I was in at the moment. But there is one tradition that has remained constant throughout all the years: listening to Christmas music.

It helps that I just love Christmas, period. Additionally, during the years where I had to work over the holidays, couldn't afford to buy many gifts, or only had the energy to put of a very few decorations, the one thing I could always turn to was music. All I had to do, at the very least, was just turn on the radio.

One of the things that I love most about Christmas music is the comforting nostalgia it provides. Every year I can't wait to hear my favorites: the Boston Pop's rendition of "Sleigh Ride,"

Efficient Tips to Store Your Holiday Decorations

I love the holidays. My mom loved the holidays. And so did her mom. And as such, when my Grandma passed away many years ago, all her decorations went to my mom. And when my mom passed away over a decade ago, both hers and grandma’s decorations came to me. And of course I have my own. So now, one entire section of my garage neatly houses half a dozen bins containing three generations of holiday decorations.

The only problem is that while I live in a lovely home, the amount of decorating space I have is about the size of a studio apartment. I would need about four living-rooms to have enough surface area to display all of the animated holiday characters, ceramic statues and figurines, along with the tree and all its special ornaments. Oh yes, and did I mention we have a train set?

Even with this challenge I still love Christmas and I insist on decorating as much as I can. This has forced me to get a little creative in how I store my holiday decorations, to make it as easy as possible to access everything each year. Or, a subset of decorations some years. It seems every year that the time to put away my holiday decorations comes as fast as it did to put them out.

Thoughts on Regifting To Help Keep Organized

Coming into the holiday season I think it is a good time to talk about re-gifting. I know re-gifting can be somewhat of a taboo topic. But in terms of organizing, and living a more uncluttered life, re-gifting can be a practical solution.

Of course I can't go any further without stating the obvious: be careful to not hurt anyone’s feelings. Don't accidentally re-gift something to the same person who gave it to you. And make sure that the gift giver does’t know you have re-gifted their gift, unless you have their permission. And lastly, remember the Kevin Bacon six-degrees of separation rule. Apply caution when re-gifting in larger families or similar social circles. Awkward is awkward whether it is your mother, your cousin, or your next door neighbor.

But with that warning label out of the way, let's get to some of the practical benefits of regifting: saving money, saving time, and reducing clutter in your home. A common excuse for not re-gifting is guilty. People feel guilty for giving away something given to them. But I look at it another way. I think it is worse to keep something you won’t enjoy. Pass it on to someone who will really use or enjoy it.

Menu Planning Tips for the Holidays

For the first time this year, I made a proper holiday meal plan, and it really was a game-changer. Being so organized and intentional about my process, helped me be more productive, saved me time, and shaved dollars off my grocery bill.

Step one was decide how I wanted to create my planner: paper or digital? I know popular convention is to go all digital these days. With smartphones, iPads and organizational apps to help with organizing and planning. But I am somewhat of a luddite. I think many times good old fashioned pen and paper work just fine. Plus, it keeps me off the computer, where I will undoubtedly be distracted by emails, social networking, or other projects.

I created a small binder to be my planner. I inserted a pretty holiday themed art image for the clear pocket of the cover. Inside, I placed several clear pockets sleeves that will hold and protect my recipes, and created three divider sections: Main dishes, side dishes, and desserts.

Step two was looking at a calendar. I looked at my work calendar which includes both work meetings and appointments, as well as various personal commitments. I strategically chose days in which I would have time to shop, prep, cook/bake, (and, if baking treats for gifts) deliver.

Making Changes So Christmas is Less Stress and More Joy

I know it is only August and Christmas seems very far off, but based on how I celebrated last year's Christmas timeline, this year it is going to come even quicker.

Let me explain. First off, I LOVE Christmas. It is absolutely my most favorite holiday. It was always a big deal in my family growing up, for both my mom and dad, and their parents as well. So there is a lot of nostalgic baggage that comes with the yule tide festivities. I have always tried to not build up Christmas too much in my mind, in terms of expectations. I knew I would never be able to recapture that childhood magic no matter how Martha Stewart I got, so I really tried just to not stress out too much and the days and weeks prior to Christmas unfold organically.

Loving the Holidays but Surrendering to the Bah Humbug

Let's just cut to the chase. 2009 has been a shitty year for me. So shitty that when I am at my worst moments, what I am most grateful for, is simply life itself. Yes, I have many other things to be thankful for, too: a loving husband, supportive family, a roof over my head, and money in the bank. But those things often become diluted in the melancholy abyss of my life's current tragedy. My one refuge for the year was going to be the holidays. I LOVE the holidays. Back in mid-October, I declared to Andrew, "I am going to get everything done for Christmas by December 1, so I can simply enjoy the