All in The Story of Things

Introducing the Story of Things: Licorice The Lion

I'm so excited to start a new feature on my blog called "The Story of Things." Over the past few years, I've been thinking about minimalism. I'm attracted to the minimalist lifestyle because of the neatness and simplicity it provides, yet, I'm not ready to get rid of all my stuff. I read a quote once that described minimalism this way: minimalism isn't about having nothing. It's about having just the right amount of something. I like the flexibility and personal interpretation this definition provides.

As I've gone through my home and peeled back layers of my belongings to only things I genuinely love, use, and enjoy, it got me thinking: How can I honor those items even more? My answer came: through storytelling. Every few weeks on this blog, I will memorialize an item that is special to me. I will reflect and share about the belonging, and in doing so, also create a kind of archive. So that way, if one day I need or want to let go of even more of my possessions, I can part with the item and still have a way to treasure it.

So with no further ado, the first story