

Welcome to my small corner of the internet where I share the latest headlines of my life. Thank you for stopping by and I hope you’ll come back soon! –– Jody

Overcoming Blogging Fears: Love in the First Person and Writing About It

Overcoming Blogging Fears: Love in the First Person and Writing About It

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For the longest time I resisted blogging. Even before I started writing I would agonize over what to write about on my own personal website. I often told myself, What the hell do I have to say that is that important?

I came upon a fellow blogger who was writing about what I am feeling. It makes me feel not so alone or weird for having my doubts and insecurities about something I love doing so much.

The fear of being misunderstood and judged by those who would read my writing made it even more difficult for me to silence my inner critic. I think too, part of my resistance has been the fact that as a woman, I am wired to think and do for others first. How are my friends doing? What does my husband need? How is the housework going to get done? I don't take the time to write and allow it to just be about me!

But slowly those thoughts are fading in my head, being replaced with ideas of what I want to write about. For the first time in my life I am discovering that I do have a story that is worth telling. That my thoughts, cares, opinions, are worthy of someone else's time to read. That I do have something to share and contribute.

And the more that I write the more I discover this to be true. The more my own writing is helping someone I least expected it to: ME! I am solidly in my mid-life now, and I’m realizing I am still learning about falling in love with myself, my journey, and sharing my stories. I am excited about the journey and thankful to all those who will take it with me.

Missing Mom on Mother's Day

Missing Mom on Mother's Day

Don't Give Up! Minor Changes Can Bring Major Results

Don't Give Up! Minor Changes Can Bring Major Results